no plagiarism
double-blinded peer review
high quality paperss
original research papers
About us
Abuja Journal of Business & Management
Abuja Journal of Business and Management is a quarterly double-blind peer reviewed refereed open access print-journal that provides rapid publication of articles in all fields of business and management and its applications. The Journal is a publication of the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Abuja, Nigeria which welcomes publications of high quality papers on theoretical developments and practical applications in business and management. Original research papers, state of the –art- reviews and high quality technical notes are invited for publications.

The secret of our success
All Research contributions should conform to high standards of scholarly research article by ensuring that the contents of all manuscripts are original and has not been published elsewhere in any language fully or partly, nor is it under review for publication elsewhere
Double-blind peer review
No plagiarism
high QUALITY papers
original research papers

Editorial Board
Meet the members of the Board.

Dr. Bello Ayuba
Editor in Chief

Associate Prof. N.C. Ozigbo

Dr. U.D. Mohammed
Deputy Editor

Prof. Y. M. Damagum
Associate editor